Germain Empowerment
How to Respond Effectively to Hostile Communication – Part 1
You can increase your effectiveness in responding to hostile communications by using a simple acronym. The acronym is STAR: Stop. Think. Ask. Respond.
5 Steps to Master Personal Goals
You can deliver stretching goals amid some significant challenges for your business. However, that can be a different matter when it’s your personal goal. There is a simple concept to master difficult-to-accomplish personal goals. I...
How to Be A Light in Uncertain Times
As expected, exceptional Leaders do their jobs with excellence. In addition, they go beyond the expectations to give of themselves outside their job description. What separates them is their desire to be a light...
How Leaders Grow Where They Are Planted
In the real world, no matter how you plan your life or career, circumstances arise that direct you to a path you did not choose nor want. How do you handle such a situation?...
How To Increase Your Probability Of Making The Right Decision
Even great leaders make bad decisions if given the wrong information. How do you ensure you are getting the correct information?
Are You Leading As Designed?
As a leader, are you leading as you were designed to lead? If you are not functioning as designed, it is hard to be an exceptional leader.
Do you know of this gift?
There is a gift available for you. It is free! What is more exciting about this gift, is that it gives you a competitive advantage!