Listening Well Assessment

Easily assess how well you listen. We may hear when others speak to us. However, we don’t all listen well. It takes intentionality to listen well. Any leader who wishes to be memorable and impactful, empathetic and compassionate must learn to listen well.

How well do you listen? Try this short quiz to assess your application of that skill.


Considering your daily conversations and how you tend to listen, assign a rating of 1 – 5 to each of the following statements based on the descriptors. Total your score at the end.

  1. When someone is speaking to me, I formulate my response before they finish.
  • 5 = Never
  • 4 = Seldom
  • 3 = Average
  • 2 = Most Times
  • 1 = Always
  1. I multitask while others are speaking to me.
  • 5 = Never
  • 4 = Seldom
  • 3 = Average
  • 2 = Most Times
  • 1 = Always
  1. I think about my body position when listening to others.
  • 5 = Always
  • 4 = Most Times
  • 3 = Average
  • 2 = Seldom
  • 1 = Never
  1. I listen actively when others are speaking to me.
  • 5 = Always
  • 4 = Most Times
  • 3 = Average
  • 2 = Seldom
  • 1 = Never
  1. I give focused attention and make eye contact when others are speaking to me.
  • 5 = Always
  • 4 = Most Times
  • 3 = Average
  • 2 = Seldom
  • 1 = Never
  1. I tend to interrupt the speaker during conversation.
  • 5 = Never
  • 4 = Seldom
  • 3 = Average
  • 2 = Most Times
  • 1 = Always
  1. I am impatient and try to help the person get to the point.
  • 5 = Never
  • 4 = Seldom
  • 3 = Average
  • 2 = Most Times
  • 1 = Always

Total Score Results

(Sum your ratings into your score and compare it to the following scale.)

22+                  Great listener. Share your knowledge with others.  

16 – 21            Good job. Apply actions to improve. 

< 16                 Now you know. Apply and practice the following guide.

Disclaimer: This test is strictly for general guidance and not intended to be a clinical diagnosis.

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