How to Be A Light in Uncertain Times

Candlelight shining bright in the darkness like a leader in uncertain times.
How do exceptional leaders shine in this uncertain, ambiguous, and volatile environment?

As expected, exceptional Leaders do their jobs with excellence. In addition, they go beyond the expectations to give of themselves outside their job description. 

What separates them is their desire to be a light to their teams, organizations, and communities. These leaders demonstrate influential leadership.  Others are drawn to them and want to follow them.

The light of these leaders shines bright. That is because every day, they take the time to share some practical gifts with others who do not look like them, nor in their circle of friendship. It’s easy to care for someone who cares for you. It’s exceptional to care for someone who does not fit your mold of acceptability. 

Here are ten practical and needed gifts you can share that would let your light shine as bright as an exceptional leader. How many are you practicing?

Leadership Gifts That Shine:

  1. Gift of Time: Listen to those in need with empathy. Be in touch with the reality of those in your circle of influence.
  1. Gift of Wisdom: Mentor someone marginalized or who does not look like you
  1. Gift of Talent: Be a technical coach to someone outside your job responsibilities.
  1. Gift of Feedback: Help someone improve.  Give them feedback in a way they appreciate and is useful to them.
  1. Gift of Encouragement:  Take time to provide an authentic word of affirmation to someone struggling. That may be all they need to get back on the path.
  1. Gift of a Helping Hand: Help someone who does not look like you, or is marginalized, to progress in their career through sponsorship.
  1. Gift of Unity: Take time to seek common ground. Collaborate with others of diverse positions and opinions. Emulate a mentality of abundance.
  1. Gift of The Heart: Be a servant leader and put others first. Polish the crown of someone else.
  1. Gift of Grace: Demonstrate a graceful attitude to others by being kind, forgiving, and patient.  
  1. Gift of Provision: Donate to charity. Especially your local church. In that way, you are extending your reach to help others. Think of it as your light going through fiber optics!

Assess yourself:

How bright is your light as a leader?  Count how many of the above gifts you regularly share.

  • 8 – 10: Take a bow. You are exceptional.
  • 6 – 7: Smile. You are getting there.
  • 5 or less: Good to have the baseline. Now, let’s work together. Begin putting my blog posts to practice. 

Empowered Leader Reflection: 

You should share your light and give your gifts all year round. How well did you do in the past year?

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6 Responses

  1. Pearl Rollins says:

    2022..Brightening MY LIGHT

    Thanks Kennedy.

  2. Susan Dawes says:

    Thank you for the gift of self awareness that your post brings forth. The gift of unity is one that I particularly embrace.
    Merry Christmas to you and yours Kennedy!

  3. Geejay says:

    Blessings cous.

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