Keys to Developing Innovative Approaches

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Innovation is essential in both personal and business life. It allows individuals and businesses to deliver creative solutions to our needs. Sometimes, that solution is simply a creative way to get something done.

I’m sure like many of us, life impacting changes like the pandemic may have forced you to develop innovative approaches to living. It’s important, therefore, to proactively implement the keys to developing innovative approaches whether we want to overcome the anxiety of change, or plot a path to better results.

The reality is that industry leaders know that innovation is essential to drive profit in the current competitive market.  Similarly, innovative approaches can result in significant cost savings and reduced effort in getting things done in our ever-changing environment. Also, employees enjoy more satisfying work at businesses where innovation is a key pillar.

I recall the time on a project when we tried to convey a powder to the top of a 10-story building using a 6-inch diameter pipe and a blower. The design seemed fine, but it was not working. It seemed there was an obstruction in the pipe. Our team brainstormed simple ways to confirm our hypothesis. One member joked that we needed something like a toilet bowl float to go up the pipe.

I thought that could be the idea we needed. It was brilliant, simple, risk-free, and creative. I purchased a $5 toilet bowl float at a local plumbing store and tried to convey it up the pipe. Within seconds, the float was on the roof. It confirmed the pipe was clear. Our blower was the problem. That $5 toilet bowl float saved us from erecting scaffolding and taking apart lengths of heavy 6-inch piping for a physical inspection.

An innovative approach does not have to be elegant. It just has to be practical and deliver results.

Innovation is related but different from creativity. Creativity, a personal trait, is the generation of unique, original, and imaginative ideas; whether marketable or not. Innovation, on the other hand, is the application of creative ideas to meet a need; particularly consumers’ needs and their many demands. Innovation is finding new ways of doing things and even solving problems consumers may not realize they have.

Everyone is creative to some degree. For some, it’s natural. For others, it helps to get into a creative mindset. That can be done by having a positive mental attitude and doing things that cause reflection. For example, taking a walk, listening to calming music, or journaling, to name a few.

Solving challenging problems generally follows a 5-step process. First, you define the problem and then identify possible causes. The third step is brainstorming possible solutions. This is where the power of innovation begins. The fourth and fifth steps in the process are the selection of an option, then implementation respectively.

If you have difficulty coming up with innovative ways of getting things done, here’s how you improve your success and discover unconventional solutions in step 3, brainstorming, of the 5-step problem-solving process.

Keys to Developing Innovative Approaches

  1. Acknowledge your assumptions could be wrong. If you stay with your assumptions, you will be limited to doing what you have always known. Instead, be agile and willing to learn.
  1. Adopt a mentality that is open to change. You have to overcome self-doubt and permit yourself to think differently. If you want to develop an innovative approach, you have to think outside the box. Thinking the same way will always get you the same results.
  1. Accept that there may be multiple solutions to your problem. Thinking there’s only one solution causes you to shut out others’ ideas because they are different, especially if they are your critics.
  1. Convert the problem into a question. One of the most effective approaches to engage the mind is asking questions.  These questions are along the lines of asking, “Why?” “What if …?” Or even “What has to be true to do XYZ?”
  1. Collaborate with individuals from diverse backgrounds and experiences. That will lead to new ideas, fresh insights, and innovative solutions. Most innovative solutions often come from individuals building on each other’s “crazy” ideas. Use brainstorming tools like mind maps and storyboards to capture the ideas. Never eliminate an idea.

Pro tip: If your idea generation does not include some wild ones, you are still in the safe, comfortable, and conventional zone.

“Be open to try unconventional ideas to overcome unconventional challenges” –

-From How to Demonstrate Effective Leadership

Sticking to only conventional solutions can hinder progress and limit success.  However, embracing an attitude of innovation will open us up to getting more done innovatively. This is important because it keeps us energized and relevant, it allows us to be more effective and efficient, and enables our businesses to be competitive and profitable.

Empowered Leader Reflection

What was the last innovative approach you used to solve a challenging situation?

Your turn. Would you share your reflection with us in the reply section below?

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