How To Increase Your Probability Of Making The Right Decision

Even great leaders make bad decisions if given the wrong information. How do you ensure you are getting the correct information?

We live in an environment where misinformation is rampant, and the lines between fact and fiction are sometimes blurred. I recently saw a newspaper article which stated truth is what you believe it is. What do you think? (Hint: I am not a Samurai warrior but believing that I am does not make me correct). Pew Research Center concluded that many believe America is experiencing a crisis in facts and truth. PEW Research Center; July 2019; Trust and Distrust in America

Considering as a leader, you are constantly making decisions, I have a practical off-the-wall question for you: What strategies do you intentionally employ to ensure the information you receive and use for your decision-making is correct, and the decisions you make are the right ones? 

As you know, the negative impact of a relatively inconsequential decision may be small. However, in some cases, the outcome of a decision from inaccurate data could result in a shipwreck. 

As a faith-based leader, you have divine help. Allow me to remind you of three practical actions that must be part of your strategy. These worked very well for me: 

How A Leader Can Get Better Data And Make Better Decisions:

Consult the Holy Spirit through prayer.  Have faith that God will guide you to the correct information and help you make the right decisions. This does not only apply for your personal life, but also your professional life. You have to trust in God, and allow Him to guide your decisions (Prov 3:5-6).

Increase Your Emotional Intelligence. The more emotionally attached you are to a decision, the more difficult it is to be objective and stick to the facts.  Remember to let the peace of God rule your heart (Col 3:15). 

Manage your stress level. Learned how to destress to help you more effectively evaluate data. Do this by personalizing God’s promise that instead of worrying, bring your needs to Him, and His peace will come over you (Phil 4:6-7).  

Exceptional leaders use many strategies to increase the probability of getting the correct information and making the best decisions. See my complete list of 10 Strategies for Better Decision Making.

Empowered Leader Reflection:

What strategies do you use to increase your probability of getting the correct information to make the best decisions? Comment below.

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6 Responses

  1. Mark says:

    Great article! An additional strategy for consideration: Validate your premise or idea by using a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) construct. Essentially, this means testing a proof-of-concept or small deliverable before going all-in on a complete solution or idea. This strategy let’s you either succeed-small (forming a building block that you can then use to go and do more) or fail-fast without losing much investment and time.

    • Kennedy Germain says:

      Thanks Mark. Testing a proof of concept is a great addition. Take baby steps before investing too much.

  2. Verlie says:

    Love this. This reminds me of the PRINCIPLES my daughter is following and praise God the RESULTS ARE AMAZING. SHE TRUSTS GOD IN AND FOR EVERYTHING

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